What a beautiful beginning to the day. It was just slightly cloudy, and warm. The power went off in the middle of the night, due to storms, and all the clocks were flashing. When I saw that, I thought the day was going to be a bust. But as the day went on, it got nicer. Our Memorial Day parade started at 10am, and I was going to try to go, but I just didn't feel like it when I got up. I heard it went great.
At about 12:30pm, I helped our son Matt change the spark plugs in his PT Cruiser. I had never worked on one of those, so I was a little nervous. It took us about one and a half hours, but we got it done. It runs great now. We had a good time visiting with Matt and his girlfriend, Ginger, and their dog, Lady.
After all that fun, I realized we had missed a cookout my sister was having at her house. I felt terrible, but Matt and I had planned on doing his car today, for a while. I still had to do our shopping, and go to the cemeteries. We did all that, and got home, just ahead of a storm coming through. On our way to the Batson Cemetery, out in the middle of nowhere, we saw a cool structure in someone's front yard. Of course, I had to get out and take a picture of it. Instead of describing it, I will just post the picture below. Our three day weekend turned out pretty cool. We got a lot of stuff done, and saw a lot of people. God is good.