These posts are not meant to criticize any of the featured churches, but to inform readers of the qualities of these churches. The dates are when we visited the churches.
March 21, 2010
Fellowship Baptist Church
1128 So. 18th St., New Castle, IN 47362
Phone: 765-521-8070
Pastor: Larry Shelton
Sunday School: 10am
Morning Worship: 10:50am
No Evening Service
Appearance: They have a nice building, with class rooms downstairs. There is parking on the street, along with a side parking lot. There is a handicap entrance ramp on the side, where the parking lot is.
Greeting: Nice, friendly greeting.
Sanctuary: The sanctuary is good-sized. Seating is padded, wooden pews.
Singing Style: Traditional hymns. There is also special singing. I believe you need to ask ahead of time if you want to sing. There is no choir at this time.
Members: The members were very friendly, and welcoming.
Pastor: The pastor was very nice, and knowledgable.
Preaching Style: Good, old-fashioned, shouting preaching. Preaching was from KJV Bible.
Freedom during worship: You are free to shout, 'amen', etc.
April 11, 2010
2649 Q Ave., New Castle, IN 47362
Phone: 765-521-0143
Pastor: Denny Neal
Sun. School: 10am
Morning Worship: 11am
Sun. Eve.: 6pm
Wed. Bible Study & Youth Group: 7pm
Nursery provided for all services
Appearance: They have a nice building, not enough parking spaces though. The grounds are well kept.
Greeting: We received a very nice, friendly greeting when we entered. We were given a really nice visitors packet. That made me feel like they wanted me back.
Sanctuary: The sanctuary was very nice. It was well-lit, maybe too much. Lots of beautiful chandeliers. The seating was wooden, padded pews. Comfortable. The carpet was nice also.
Singing style: The songs were all traditional hymns. There was no special singing the day we were there. We visited on the last day of a week-long Missions Conference.
Members: The members were very friendly. We were greeted warmly by several of the members. I noticed that most adult members were very well dressed (dress shirt, ties, dresses, etc.). I would have felt out of place in 'regular' clothes.
Pastor: The pastor was very nice, and funny. We didn't get to hear him preach, because of the Missions Conference. I was impressed, because as we left the church, he greeted us by our first names. That made me feel welcome.
Preaching style: Again, no preaching because of Missions Conference.
Freedom during worship: There were not alot of 'amens', or shouting. No clapping. It was a very 'structured' service. Not a bad service, but structured. Some people like this style of service, because it doesn't waste any time. Again, I'm not putting it down, just noting it.
April 18, 2010
2910 Grand Ave., New Castle, IN 47362
Phone: 765-529-1773
Pastor: Charles Dugger
Sunday School: 9:45am
Morning Worship: 10:45am
Sunday Evening: 6pm
Wednesday Evening: 6pm
Appearance: They have a really nice building. There is a separate building in back for outdoor dinners and such. There is lots of space for parking.
Greeting: Very friendly greeting. One thing I noticed was that there were no visitors cards to fill out. I think you need something like this to learn who your visitors are, and have a way of contacting them, and inviting them back.
Sanctuary: The seating was very comfortable, with wooden, padded pews. There was lots of lighting, without being too bright. I liked the large, frosted windows that let in a lot of light, without letting anybody look in.
Singing style: The singing was all traditional hymns. The choir was the same. Special singing is pre-selected. I believe you have to let them know ahead of time if you want to sing. There were no invitations to sing after the service started. It is a good way to keep confusion and wasted time from ruining a service.
Members: The members were friendly, even more so during the evening service. There was a mix of young, and old, but slightly more older members. The dress was casual. Not a lot of ties. You would not feel uncomfortable in good jeans and a casual shirt. The women's dress was about the same. I felt very comfortable and welcome.
Pastor: The pastor was nice and friendly. He greeted all the members before the service.
Preaching style: It was straightforward, old-fashioned preaching from the KJV. I enjoyed it. It was not boring, and kept my attention. The pastor was very knowledgable about the Bible, and was very comfortable with quoting scripture.
Freedom during worship: There were lots of 'amens', but not too many. I felt very free to express myself during the services.
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
2700 S. Main St., New Castle, IN 47362
Phone: 765-
Pastor: Bobby Slagle
Sunday School: 9:45am
Morning Worship: 10:30am
Sunday Evening: 6pm
Wednesday Evening:
Appearance: They have a good-sized building. The building itself is well-kept, and clean. There is a fellowship area attached, and parking nearby. There is a separate parking lot across the street. There is a wheelchair ramp at the front.
Greeting: There was a friendly greeter at the door.
Sanctuary: The sanctuary was nice, and well-lit, but not too much. The seating was padded, wooden pews. Very comfortable.
Singing Style: Traditional hymns. The choir sang from the hymnal.
Members: The members were very friendly, and inviting. We felt very welcome.
Pastor: The pastor was knowledgable, and friendly.
Preaching Style: Traditional preaching, from KJV. Good preaching.
Freedom during worship: I felt that I would be free to say 'amen', etc., during the service. Several testimonies given.
May 2, 2010
First Baptist Church
709 S. Memorial Drive, New Castle, IN 47362
Phone: 765-529-2687
Pastor: Jerry Ingalls
Sunday School: 9am
Fellowship Time: 10am
Worship: 10:30am
Wednesday Family Night: 6pmAppearance: The building is an old Wal-Mart building, converted into a church. The inside is very impressive, to say the least. The foyer has a cafe, welcome center, etc. The sanctuary is very spacious. More than enough parking. All one level and easy for handicapped persons to get around.
Greeting: There are greeters everywhere. Any door you go into, has a greeter. You are given a name tag to wear with you name on it. When you leave, and turn in the tag, you are given a gift.
Sanctuary: The sanctuary is very spacious. Two screens up front for videos, etc. Pews are padded and comfortable. There is just enough light. Everything is very well laid-out.
Singing Style: Contemporary music, with live music. Guitars, piano, drums. Well organized.
Members: The members were very welcoming. Handshakes, smiles. We were invited back several times. Everybody wears name tags, so you know who you're talking to. Good mix of young and old church members.
Pastor: The pastor is easy-going, funny, and very knowledgable. He is in his mid-30's.
Preaching Style: Good preaching. Sermon notes in the bulletins. Preaching is from NIV.
Freedom during worship: The pastor encourages response from the members.
Temple Baptist Church
Appearance: Nice, older building. Good parking. Wheelchair ramp.
Greeting: Good greeting. Friendly, and smiling.
Sanctuary: The sanctuary was smaller than most, but nice. Good lighting. Padded pews.
Singing Style: Traditional hymns from hymnals.
Members: All the members shook hands with us, and invited us back. Very friendly.
Pastor: The pastor is a very nice man. Cares about the lost. He is a younger man.
Preaching Style: Good preaching. Pastor was knowledgable. Traditional preaching style from KJV.
Freedom during worship: Free to say amen, etc. during service.
May 9, 2010
First Baptist Church
for Morning Service and Sunday School
New Castle First Church of the Nazarene
1727 Grand Avenue, New Castle, IN 47362
Phone: 765-529-0607
Pastor: Danny Goddard
Sunday School: 9:30am
Morning Worship: 10:30am
Evening Service: 6:00pm
Appearance: Very nice and well-kept. Parking on A Ave. side of building.
Greeting: Warm greetings from several people. Very friendly.
Sanctuary: The sanctuary was very beautiful. Brick and wood. Vinyl padded pews. Comfortable. Video screen up front.
Singing Style: Mostly traditional, with a mix of contemporary. They also have special singing.
Members: We were warmly greeted by several members before we left. We were invited back, and given the service times.
Pastor: The pastor was nice. He was also funny. He knew our names when he greeted us.
Preaching Style: The pastor had a good, solid preaching style. He was knowledgable about the scriptures, and made his points clear. He had a comfortable mix of humor in his sermon.
Freedom during worship: I felt very free to interact during the service.