Have you ever been around those individuals that just HAVE to keep things stirred up? They aren't happy until somebody gets mad. Personally, I like things to stay nice and calm as much as possible. It's the way I roll, as my wife, Carolyn, would say.
These people are called instigators, trouble makers, and some names I can't say. They've always been around, I suppose. And, I'm sure there's an official, scientific name for them too. All I know, is I steer clear of them when I can.
They say it takes all kinds in this world, and that's true. I may not agree with someone's opinion, and I may debate it with them a little, but I can't hate someone because they're different.
To make a short story longer, I like things to be peaceful, easygoing, and smooth. I don't like to ruffle any feathers. Life's too short, I always say.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
No Respect.
I have noticed lately that there is a total lack of respect for anything anymore. We, as a society, don't seem to care about anybody, or anything. When I was a kid, you did not walk through anyone's yard, PERIOD!!! There was no discussion about it, you just didn't do it. If you did do it, you were punished for it. You knew it was coming, and there was nothing you could do about it. Today, not so much. I've seen entire families of kids walking in my yard, like it was no big deal. And sadly, to them, it is no big deal. It's probably how they were raised. Every generation loses a little more of the values that used to be taken for granted.
Not only do children not respect adults, but most adults don't respect themselves, or those around them. Watch the cars around you the next time you're on the highway. Or worse, on an ordinary side street. Some ADULT drivers seemingly think it's a two for one day, taking your turn, because THEY are in a hurry. No respect. None. Our society is built on respect for rules, and respect for one another. When that respect is gone, anything goes. That's called chaos.
Before I became a Christian, I, unfortunately, used to use profanity. I used it alot. But, even then, I knew not to use around those that found it offensive. I was raised to care about others. Today, you can't even watch TV during the 'family hour', without getting hit square in the face with one offensive word after another. The writers go for the lowest common denominator when they are scripting the shows. They need laughs, and dirty words get laughs. So what if not everybody wants to hear it. Let them change the channel. No respect.
One of the definitions for respect is, 'Willingness to show consideration or appreciation'. Consideration for others, and showing appreciation to others, is a lost art. I personally try to thank people for anything they do for me. I sometimes go overboard, I'm sure. But I want to make sure they know that I appreciate what they have done for me. Again, it's the way I was raised. Carolyn and I tried to raise our two boys to do the same thing. For the biggest part, they do. People are always telling us that we have two, very well-mannered boys. Hopefully, they will try to pass this on to their children. Here's hoping.
If we lose respect for rules, laws, etiquette, authority, morals, and each other, we will have lost what makes, and keeps us, civilized. When we stop being civilized, and chaos reigns, we will no longer be the great nation we have fought so hard to become. If that happens, God help us.
Speaking of God, He is the reason we have become the great nation we are. As a nation, we are quickly losing respect for God and His Word. Like someone has said, it's the Ten Commandments, not the Ten Suggestions. God has given us a simple list of 'Thou shalt not's', because He knows that if we just do what is right in our own eyes, we won't make it.
Not only do children not respect adults, but most adults don't respect themselves, or those around them. Watch the cars around you the next time you're on the highway. Or worse, on an ordinary side street. Some ADULT drivers seemingly think it's a two for one day, taking your turn, because THEY are in a hurry. No respect. None. Our society is built on respect for rules, and respect for one another. When that respect is gone, anything goes. That's called chaos.
Before I became a Christian, I, unfortunately, used to use profanity. I used it alot. But, even then, I knew not to use around those that found it offensive. I was raised to care about others. Today, you can't even watch TV during the 'family hour', without getting hit square in the face with one offensive word after another. The writers go for the lowest common denominator when they are scripting the shows. They need laughs, and dirty words get laughs. So what if not everybody wants to hear it. Let them change the channel. No respect.
One of the definitions for respect is, 'Willingness to show consideration or appreciation'. Consideration for others, and showing appreciation to others, is a lost art. I personally try to thank people for anything they do for me. I sometimes go overboard, I'm sure. But I want to make sure they know that I appreciate what they have done for me. Again, it's the way I was raised. Carolyn and I tried to raise our two boys to do the same thing. For the biggest part, they do. People are always telling us that we have two, very well-mannered boys. Hopefully, they will try to pass this on to their children. Here's hoping.
If we lose respect for rules, laws, etiquette, authority, morals, and each other, we will have lost what makes, and keeps us, civilized. When we stop being civilized, and chaos reigns, we will no longer be the great nation we have fought so hard to become. If that happens, God help us.
Speaking of God, He is the reason we have become the great nation we are. As a nation, we are quickly losing respect for God and His Word. Like someone has said, it's the Ten Commandments, not the Ten Suggestions. God has given us a simple list of 'Thou shalt not's', because He knows that if we just do what is right in our own eyes, we won't make it.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Signs of the times
Another earthquake today! I've lost track of how many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other numerous disasters we've had lately. Jesus said that we would see these sorts of things begin to increase as the day of His return approached. I think it is very exciting, and sad, to see all this happening in our time. Exciting, because those of us that call ourselves Christians will soon get to see Jesus face to face. Sad, because more and more people are dismissing God and His Son Jesus as fiction. It is getting harder to get people to believe that God, and Jesus, are real. Not to mention Heaven and Hell. They'll believe in angels, and demons, just like they believe in aliens or ghosts. For some, it will take waking up in Hell to make true believers out of them. Of course, then it will be too late.
We can't put all the blame on the media, Hollywood, or whoever else we want to blame. Part of the blame goes to the church. We as Christians have blown it when it comes to getting it right. We spend so much time playing church, we forget what it means to BE the church. We're more concerned about our programs, and how many people we can get on the attendance rolls. We need to be concerned about how many people are getting saved and baptized. Forget about what color the carpet should be, or how many movie screens we have in the sanctuary. None of this, in the long run, is going to matter. We have lost our first love, and we need to get it back.
God has led Carolyn and I to visit churches for the time being. I'm beginning to see part of the reason for this new journey. I have begun to see a pattern in our churches today. We have so much technology at our fingertips, the ability to reach so many new people, and we haven't got a clue. We need to be plastering the Gospel message everywhere we can. We need to make sure people can find our churches, and make sure we let them know what time our services are. The information that is on the Internet for our local churches, is spotty at best. Outdated information can be just enough to keep some people from trying to find a good, Bible-believing church. We're losing the lost, because we've gotten lazy. As long as WE know what's going on in our church, I guess that's all that matters.
I know I sound mad, angry, disgusted, whatever. Maybe I am. I'm so sick of just playing church. I would love to see our churches get back to the basics, and concentrate on winning the lost to Jesus, and making disciples of them. There are some, but there needs to be more. It's not God's intention that any should be lost, but that ALL should come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That should be OUR intention as well.
We can't put all the blame on the media, Hollywood, or whoever else we want to blame. Part of the blame goes to the church. We as Christians have blown it when it comes to getting it right. We spend so much time playing church, we forget what it means to BE the church. We're more concerned about our programs, and how many people we can get on the attendance rolls. We need to be concerned about how many people are getting saved and baptized. Forget about what color the carpet should be, or how many movie screens we have in the sanctuary. None of this, in the long run, is going to matter. We have lost our first love, and we need to get it back.
God has led Carolyn and I to visit churches for the time being. I'm beginning to see part of the reason for this new journey. I have begun to see a pattern in our churches today. We have so much technology at our fingertips, the ability to reach so many new people, and we haven't got a clue. We need to be plastering the Gospel message everywhere we can. We need to make sure people can find our churches, and make sure we let them know what time our services are. The information that is on the Internet for our local churches, is spotty at best. Outdated information can be just enough to keep some people from trying to find a good, Bible-believing church. We're losing the lost, because we've gotten lazy. As long as WE know what's going on in our church, I guess that's all that matters.
I know I sound mad, angry, disgusted, whatever. Maybe I am. I'm so sick of just playing church. I would love to see our churches get back to the basics, and concentrate on winning the lost to Jesus, and making disciples of them. There are some, but there needs to be more. It's not God's intention that any should be lost, but that ALL should come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That should be OUR intention as well.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
What a day!
What a day this was!!! I'm not just talking about the weather, either. It seems like Satan tries to get me upset before I go to church. I woke up early this morning, and found that our cat, Buddy, had thrown up on the front room carpet. By the time I had that mess cleaned up, I was awake, and really didn't have much time left to sleep anyway. So, I just fixed a pot of coffee and went on. We were going to visit Calvary Missionary Baptist Church for the morning service, and we had read online that the service started at 10:45am. We got there at 10:35am, and the service had already started. It seems they recently changed their service time to 10:30am. Oops! We had a good service anyway.
After having dinner with Carolyn's parents, like we do every week, we went home to rest. Neither of us felt very good, so rest sounded grand. We have decided to visit two different churches every Sunday, unless God leads us to go to both services. We decided to visit the First Assembly of God church on Rd. 3 for the evening service. The online directory, on the Courier-Times website, said they had evening service at 6:3opm. We got there at 6:20pm, and guess what? Nobody was there. We found somebody at the fellowship hall and asked them what was going on, and they told us they only have a youth service on Sunday nights now. As we drove off the lot, we looked at the church sign, and they did have the service time taped over. Wow!
We tried to make the most of it, and headed off to the Spiceland Pike Church of God a few blocks away, since they had a 6:3opm service too, we hoped. When we pulled on the lot, I drove up to the front door to make sure the time was right, and SURPRISE, they were having a Family Night Lunch! Long story longer, we didn't go to church tonight. I am always saying that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, but I can't seem to figure this one out. I felt like a failure to God for not making it to church, but we just had to laugh. If we didn't, we'd cry.
We have had SO many people telling us we are crazy for leaving our church and doing what we're doing. If I were them, I might think the same thing. But I'm hoping those same people will let God do what He is going to do with us, and trust that we just might be doing the RIGHT thing. I know it's natural to be selfish, and want what we want, but sometimes, you have to let go, and let God.
The day has been crazy, but I truly believe God's will is being done, even in the midst of all the craziness. Our God is truly, an AWESOME God!!! May His will always be done in our lives.
After having dinner with Carolyn's parents, like we do every week, we went home to rest. Neither of us felt very good, so rest sounded grand. We have decided to visit two different churches every Sunday, unless God leads us to go to both services. We decided to visit the First Assembly of God church on Rd. 3 for the evening service. The online directory, on the Courier-Times website, said they had evening service at 6:3opm. We got there at 6:20pm, and guess what? Nobody was there. We found somebody at the fellowship hall and asked them what was going on, and they told us they only have a youth service on Sunday nights now. As we drove off the lot, we looked at the church sign, and they did have the service time taped over. Wow!
We tried to make the most of it, and headed off to the Spiceland Pike Church of God a few blocks away, since they had a 6:3opm service too, we hoped. When we pulled on the lot, I drove up to the front door to make sure the time was right, and SURPRISE, they were having a Family Night Lunch! Long story longer, we didn't go to church tonight. I am always saying that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, but I can't seem to figure this one out. I felt like a failure to God for not making it to church, but we just had to laugh. If we didn't, we'd cry.
We have had SO many people telling us we are crazy for leaving our church and doing what we're doing. If I were them, I might think the same thing. But I'm hoping those same people will let God do what He is going to do with us, and trust that we just might be doing the RIGHT thing. I know it's natural to be selfish, and want what we want, but sometimes, you have to let go, and let God.
The day has been crazy, but I truly believe God's will is being done, even in the midst of all the craziness. Our God is truly, an AWESOME God!!! May His will always be done in our lives.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Earth Day (a day late)
I wanted to share some scripture the Lord led me to today. I post it in honor of Earth Day, which was yesterday.
Psalm 24:1-2 - The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
Genesis 1:1-5 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1:26-28 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: And have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 2:1-3 - Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Ron DiCianni: Painting the Resurrection
Click on the link below. This is an absolutely beautiful painting, by a very God-blessed artist.
Ron DiCianni: Painting the Resurrection
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sick and tired
Today was not my best day. I started the day with a stomach-ache, wondering if I was going to be able to go to work or not. I prayed alot, and went. Because I was sick, I didn't get much rest last night, so I spent the day in a haze, wandering around like a zombie. Work wasn't much fun either. I work in a foundry, making brake parts. We look for defects, and sort out the bad parts. We had TONS of them today. It seemed like there were more bad than good castings, although I'm sure there weren't. To sum it up, I spent my day sick, and tired, and frustrated. Yippee, what a day.
As a Christian, I know I can pray for God to take all this junk away, and He will, if He wants. I must have needed to go through all this, because He didn't take it away. What He DID do, was walk with me through it. I prayed for peace, and joy, and calmness, in my soul. And even though my body was sick, all was well with my soul. Our God is an awesome God. Before I knew it, it was time to go home. Now, I am going to chill out, in my pajamas, and try to get some rest tonight. Tomorrow is another day. Who knows what God has in store for us?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Beautiful day
What a beautiful day we had today. Temperatures near 70, light winds, lots of sun. What's not to like? Work was just that, work. After work, Carolyn and I went to the YMCA for a little over an hour, and had a good workout. At my age, if I can still breathe after a workout, it's a good workout. After having shoulder surgery during the winter months, and then hurting my back pushing a neighbor's van out of the snow in February, I am really slow at getting back into shape. I have to talk myself into every visit to the Y.
Unless the Lord changes things, we are planning on going to Calvary Baptist Church this coming Sunday. Since telling everyone about our situation, we have been overwhelmed with offers to attend different churches. We are going to try to make it to some, if not most, of these churches. It all depends on where the Lord leads us. It's His plan, His will, not ours.
Unless the Lord changes things, we are planning on going to Calvary Baptist Church this coming Sunday. Since telling everyone about our situation, we have been overwhelmed with offers to attend different churches. We are going to try to make it to some, if not most, of these churches. It all depends on where the Lord leads us. It's His plan, His will, not ours.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Some new things
I am doing some new things on my blog. As I've mentioned before, God is leading me and Carolyn to leave our home church, and visit other churches. As we visit these churches, God is moving me to take note of some of the things in these churches. I have started a page titled "Church Visitation", which can be found to the left of this post. I don't know what God will do with this, but I will let Him take care of that. I have also added a music player at the bottom of the page. I have some Christian music on it, and you can listen to any or all of the songs. I hope these things can be of some help to someone.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Good day
Work went smoothly today. Not alot of drama, and the work wasn't too hard. Carolyn and I went to the YMCA tonight, for about an hour. We both had a good workout. I ran a mile or so on the treadmill, and other weight machines. Carolyn did over a mile on the bike, and did other weight training also. All in all, not a bad day. God is good, all the time.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Great Sunday
We had a great day today. It was a little cold, but the sun was out all day, and it wasn't as windy as it has been the last few days. We attended Grand Avenue Baptist Church for morning and evening services, (see 'church visitation' page to the left), and had a good time there. The Lord blessed the nursing home service at Glen Oaks also. He gave us Revelation 22 to read from today. What a beautiful chapter of scripture for all who are saved.
Carolyn and I are starting to get really excited about looking around at other churches. I tend to look at each one as our future church home, but Carolyn reminded me of my desire to be able to visit different churches, and fellowship with Christians from all over. Our God is truly an awesome God.
Carolyn and I are starting to get really excited about looking around at other churches. I tend to look at each one as our future church home, but Carolyn reminded me of my desire to be able to visit different churches, and fellowship with Christians from all over. Our God is truly an awesome God.
Grand Avenue,
nursing home
Church News
Its been two weeks since we announced we were leaving Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church. Last week we attended a local Baptist church, which will remain nameless at this time. It was a very friendly church, and we felt welcomed enough, but it just wasn't what we were hoping for. It was too structured for our liking. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it was a bad church, or a bad service. It just wasn't us. We like a little more freedom during the worship service. Freedom to shout, say 'AMEN', etc. I like a more interactive church service, I guess.
We went to Smyrna last night for a Gospel singing. We sang three songs, and then stayed and listened to everybody else sing. It was a good night. There were several good testimonies about what God is doing in the lives of His people. He is such a good, and awesome God.
We are going to visit Grand Avenue Baptist Church today. I will be writing more about that later. I think I am going to make a page specifically about our church visits. More later, Lord willing.
We went to Smyrna last night for a Gospel singing. We sang three songs, and then stayed and listened to everybody else sing. It was a good night. There were several good testimonies about what God is doing in the lives of His people. He is such a good, and awesome God.
We are going to visit Grand Avenue Baptist Church today. I will be writing more about that later. I think I am going to make a page specifically about our church visits. More later, Lord willing.
Grand Avenue,
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