Well, it has been one week since I had my surgery. Actually, it will have been one week as of 12:30 today, but who's counting? I thought it would be a straight-forward surgery, in-out, 6 weeks recovery, and back to work. Not so much.
Two days after I had the surgery on my shoulder, I was going to the ER because of excessive swelling in my abdomen. Over the course of two days, last Tuesday and Wednesday, I gained 14 pounds. Needless to say, I was concerned. When I got home from the hospital Tuesday, I didn't eat or sleep until late Wednesday afternoon. Then on Wednesday, I had two small meals. Not enough to gain 14 pounds. Due to the swelling, I had pressure in my abdomen/chest, making it hard to breathe. Because of this, I was getting light-headed. We contacted our family doctor, Dr. Nancy Griffith, at home, and she said to go to the ER to be evaluated. That was four hours I'd like to get back. They made me wait for 2 hours in the waiting room. After they took me back to the actual ER, they took blood, did an EKG, ran tests to check my pancreas, liver, kidneys, and heart. The doctor told me all the tests came back normal. When he was releasing me, he told me to stop weighing myself, as if that was my problem. He made me feel like a hypochondriac idiot. Four days later, I don't feel much better. I have dropped about 3 of those pounds, but that's still not normal. I went to my family doctor yesterday, Monday, to let her check everything out, and she was concerned, and very upset at the ER doctor. She gave me water pills to take for 3 days, and then I go back to her office to be weighed, and have blood drawn to run more tests. I'm hoping everything turns out ok.
Back to the boring part. Since the shoulder is still throbbing, and my stomach is killing me, I'm not doing much more than sitting around the house, mostly on the couch. This is where I'm sleeping for now also. I am supposes to sleep sitting up so I don't roll onto my shoulder. This is not my ideal way to sleep, of course, since I enjoy sleeping next to my lovely wife. I told Carolyn that I know things are bad, because I actually can't wait to get better and back to work.
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